Best Cooling Fan for a Warehouse

If you’ve realized that the best way to keep the people in your warehouse cool is with a high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) fan, you’re on the right track. The next step is choosing which one to buy. And with all the models and manufacturers available, how do you find the best cooling fan for warehouses like yours?

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How to Choose a Cooling Fan for a Warehouse

Since every building is different, any needs addressed by cooling fans are going to be unique. It’s important to keep in mind the various factors that may affect what type and brand of fan will work best for you.

Goals. What do you want the cooling fan(s) to accomplish? Improved airflow throughout the entire building, or just aimed at specific areas? Do the people in the building need to be a lot cooler or just a little?

Efficiency. How much energy will you be saving? The right fans with the right setup can save more energy than you might think.

Costs. Aside from the price of the fans themselves, you’ll want to consider installation expenses, energy costs over time, and the financial benefits of increased productivity.

Building specifications. The size, shape, and layout of your building will help determine which fan will best solve the needs of your business. Specifically, ceiling space, the height of your roof, the equipment and machinery inside, the number of windows and doors, and the number of people inside at one time can all impact the type of cooling fan you may need.

Size. Cooling fans come in a wide variety of sizes, many as large as 24-feet across. Depending on the manufacturer, you’ll potentially have an assortment of options to choose from, including large fans, directional fans, and even evaporative coolers.

Noise. Some off-brand fans can be quite loud, causing them to be a distraction or even an impediment to getting work done.

Effectiveness. Perhaps the most significant question of all: Which fan will get the job done? Will it keep the people in your building cool and make a noticeable change in your operational environment?


The Pros and Cons of Cooling Fans for Warehouses

When considering whether to purchase cooling fans for warehouses, it can be helpful to take a close look at the pros and cons. First, let’s review the primary upsides:

The pros:

  • Satisfied staff. Warehouse cooling fans provide a more comfortable environment for your employees, which translates into higher productivity, increased morale, and reduced absenteeism
  • Energy efficiency. Since warehouse fans require far less energy to operate, you’re doing your part to keep your local community safer and healthier.
  • Curtailed costs. Using less energy means lower energy bills.

Plus, you get all of the above and look good doing it. That’s a pro no matter how you look at it.

Now let’s consider the potential downsides to warehouse cooling fans:

The cons:

  • None. Seriously, who wouldn’t want increased productivity, happier employees, and lower energy bills?


The Best Warehouse Cooling Fans

Fortunately, you don’t need to make the decision on your own. The airflow experts at Big Ass Fans have the tools, the technology, and the knowledge to analyze your space and help you choose the optimum cooling fans for your warehouse.

That’s what sets Big Ass Fans apart from any other option. We offer a variety of efficient, durable cooling fans that set the international standard for performance and function.

When it comes to choosing the best cooling fan for your warehouse, Big Ass Fans is the best place to start.

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The view of an outside patio area next to a pool, with an inviting covered gazebo featuring a ceiling fan by Big Ass Fans expertly installed to provide maximum efficiency and comfort.

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