Considering we like to drink milk year round, it only seems fair that cows are comfortable no matter the season. The same holds true for other livestock varieties.
Studies* show that more comfortable employees are more productive; the same goes for livestock. Farmers know comfortable cows are productive cows, but air conditioning the barn usually isn’t in the cards. Summer heat can dramatically impact livestock’s feed intake, daily weight gain, reproductive performance and ultimate production.
Keep an eye on your bottom line by looking up to Big Ass Fans®. These 5- to 24-ft (1.5- to 7.3m) diameter overhead fans circulate a massive amount of air to make animals (and workers) feel 10°F (5.6°C) cooler during the hot summer months. In winter, setting the fan at a slow speed will push rising heat back down to the floor level for more comfortable working conditions (and living conditions for those with four legs). Recirculating the warmed air means less work for heating units, and because the fans use their size, not speed, to move huge amounts of air, they require minimal energy. Big Ass Fans reduce heating bills up to 30 percent, and your livestock will thank you.
Along with boosting production and improving comfort, Big Ass Fans are an economical, energy-efficient solution for a host of farming issues – from moisture control to air quality, birds, bugs and more.
Air movement improves not only thermal comfort, but also air quality and footing for improved herd health. There’s no greater way to move a massive amount of air than with the efficiency of Big Ass Fans. Spanning up to 24 feet (7.3m) in diameter, these high volume, low speed fans move air throughout the entire space, from ceiling to floor and wall to door, quietly and effectively. From our signature overhead fans to fans for smaller spaces, even wash-down fans for onsite food-production areas and misting fans, we’ve got you covered in spaces of any shape or size. And because they’re engineered and built to withstand even the toughest agricultural and industrial environments, Big Ass Fans are backed by unsurpassed warranties.
* Seppänen O, Fisk WJ, Faulkner D. 2003. Cost benefits analysis of the night-time ventilative cooling. In: Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2003 Conference, Singapore 2003
Because our company started in the dairy industry, we understand what’s important to farmers, herd managers and livestock.
Call us now at 877-244-3267, or request a quote to learn more about the most efficient comfort solution for you. Or shop our online store today!