
Airport Complexes

Despite serving their own unique purposes, terminals, concourses and security check points share the same predicament: how to maintain comfort with fluctuating temperatures, vast ceiling heights and dramatic variations in occupancy. Big Ass Fans®, spanning up to 24 feet (7.3 meters) in diameter, move massive amounts of air to solve comfort issues while also reducing energy costs.

How do Big Ass Fans make airports more comfortable?

Big Ass Fans move air throughout the entire space, from floor to ceiling and wall to wall, including up and over obstructions. This airflow pattern ensures air reaches all corners of a space. Airflow from Big Ass Fans keeps people cool in the summer, reducing the need for air conditioning. In winter, a lot of money is spent on wasted heat. Big Ass Fans set on slow speeds efficiently push down the heat that rises to the ceiling where it does nobody any good. With the warm air gently circulated down where it’s needed, heating systems don’t have to work as hard to maintain the thermostat setting at floor level. And because the fans use their size, not speed, to move huge amounts of air, they require minimal electrical input to run. Savings up to 30 percent on heating bills are possible, meaning your energy costs will be more grounded in reality.

LEED Incentives

If you’re seeking LEED designation for your facility, Big Ass Fans has more than 40 LEED-accredited design team members ready to assist you, from the initial design stage to final installation. We’re also happy to send Revit® files and technical specs to help you visualize your project. And because Big Ass Fans are so much more energy efficient than multiple standard overhead or pedestal fans, facilities that upgrade to Big Ass Fans can often take advantage of energy-saving rebates.


Transient spaces, such as stairwells, atriums, vestibules and lobbies, are more than just a path from point A to point B – they’re also some of the most wasteful areas in any airport, spewing conditioned air outside every time someone opens the door. Our studies show Big Ass Fans can reduce energy use by up to 40 percent in these spaces while drastically increasing comfort.


To make your life a little easier and your facility run a little smoother, our BAFWorks® controller offers a user-friendly interface that enables you to network and control your fans, lights and ventilation equipment from a single location

Our aviation specialists understand your space and your budget.

What you need in an airport fan

Massive coverage area • High rating against harsh conditions • Easy to clean