They say everything’s bigger in Texas: even the weather. Did you know that the number of 100-degree days in the Lone Star State has more than doubled in the last 40 years? According to a report by Texas A&M University, it’s expected to double again within the next...
If you’ve worked inside a hot warehouse, you’ve probably experienced a few specific reactions. Your body temperature increases. Your skin drips with sweat. And, whether you realize it or not, your ability to concentrate and be productive will likely decrease. You may...
If the phrase “warehouse in summer” causes your knees to buckle and your forehead to break out in a sweat, then you’re in the right place. Some warehouse-type facilities have been known to reach triple digits in temperature, making conditions nearly impossible for...
When you invest in HVLS fans, you give your company an upgrade. Your employees will be more comfortable, happier, and more productive. And you’ll create a healthier environment for your team while saving energy. But, which are the best HVLS fans? With so many on the...
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could control the wind? You’d be the Boss of the Breeze, bringing relief to hot and sweaty people everywhere. With Big Ass Fans ceiling fans in your warehouse, you can achieve this title! When you have a warehouse or industrial facility...