Hicksville Schools

Hicksville SchoolsENERGY SAVINGS THROUGH DESTRATIFICATION It’s not just large, industrial...

Ricoh Usa

Ricoh Usa ProblemIt’s hard to keep a 200,000-sq-ft (18,580-sq-m) warehouse comfortable, and...

Pure Barre

Pure Barre ProblemIn the mild climate of San Francisco, most buildings go without air conditioning...

Greenwood Ford Lincoln

Greenwood Ford Lincoln ProblemTechnicians at Greenwood Ford Lincoln were losing steam in a shop...

Gaia Retreat & Spa

Gaia Retreat & Spa ProblemNestled in the serene beauty of the Byron hinterlands, Gaia Retreat...

Custom Vinyl

Custom Vinyl ProblemCustom Vinyl Products Inc., moved to a new 40,000-sq-ft (3,716-sq-m) facility...

Cassidy Elementary School

Cassidy Elementary School ProblemFollowing a major renovation, Cassidy Elementary School unveiled...

Anytime Fitness

Anytime Fitness ProblemAnytime Fitness Hamilton in Queensland, Australia, is the state’s most...

Amsoil Inc.

Amsoil Inc. ProblemAMSOIL Inc.’s 450,000-sq-ft (41,800-sq-m) metal facility was a harsh work...

Woodall Dairy Farms

Woodall Dairy Farms ProblemJimmy Woodall, co-owner of Woodall Farms, needed an effective and...

Impulse Manufacturing

Impulse Manufacturing TOO HOT TO HANDLE Named Fabricator of the Year for 2018, BTD Manufacturing...

Coolmore America

Coolmore America With bases in Ireland, Australia, and North America, Coolmore is one of the...

Crossfit Total Control

Crossfit Total Control ProblemCrossfit Total Control owner Russell Peters operates multiple gyms...

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