Hotel Business published today an article on how Haiku® ceiling fans by Big Ass Fans® have helped Family Coppola Hideaways forgo air conditioning. Founded by acclaimed film director Francis Ford Coppola, the series of resorts in Belize and Guatemala use 31 Haiku fans....
The Guardian published today an article on company names, complimenting Big Ass Fans® for fulfilling “the most important rule of naming” – being different. Contributor Eli Altman notes “good names will do the work for you and the best part is that you only need to do...
The New York Times published today a front-page article profiling Big Ass Fans®. European Economics Correspondent Peter S. Goodman visited the company’s headquarters and manufacturing operations in Lexington, Kentucky, to explore how American manufacturers have used...
Inc. published today an article on the corporate culture at Big Ass Fans®, highlighting the company’s high wages, retention rate and many perks. Contributor Marcel Schwantes notes “employees have started entirely new divisions and launched new products with the...
CNN published today an article analyzing the skills gap in light of the 5.7 million job openings reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, which notes the amount is near a record high. Writer Patrick Gillespie examined the claims of a shortage of skilled laborers but...
The Washington Post today published an article about how more and more interior designers are embracing ceiling fans as a way to add a visual pop to a room and keep its occupants comfortable. Writer Megan Buerger notes Haiku® by Big Ass Fans® has “earned scores of...