Service Repair


Your dealership’s spaces are as diverse as your inventory. Showrooms, service centers, detail bays, storage facilities—they’re all important to the success of your operation, and each presents its own unique comfort challenges.

Overhead, portable, misting and directional fans, along with controllers to centrally monitor and manage air movement, can customize your conditions so clients, sales staff and technicians remain comfortable.

In the shop

In summer, the perceived cooling effect of air movement from Big Ass Fans® can make a person feel up to 5.6°C cooler. And Big Ass Fans eliminate the need for noisy barrel and pedestal fans that can be an added hazard for mechanics—and for customers who ignore the signs and wander in.

In winter, slowing (not reversing) your Big Ass Fans will gently redirect rising warm air back down from the ceiling to floor level, improving comfort and reducing your heating expenses up to 30 percent. Even though the thermostat setpoint remains the same, the heating system does not have to work as hard to maintain that temperature as bay doors open and close.

Or in the showroom

Big Ass Fans specifically designed for commercial spaces have patented gearless motors, which eliminate the audible mechanical noise that can be created by gearbox friction. Add advanced onboard controls to prevent electrical “noise” and you have a Big Ass Fan that runs quietly at maximum operating speed, ideal for use in sound-sensitive environments. Customize your fan to suit your dealership’s décor and brand style.


To make your life a little easier and your facility run a little smoother, BAFWorks® offers a user-friendly interface which enables you to network and control your fans, lights and ventilation equipment from a single location. Sorry, BAFWorks® is available only in the U.S.

We'll leave the car sales to you.

What you need in an automotive fan

Massive coverage area • Easy to clean